Expand a collection to see available years. For more information on any of these past collections, please contact the Bureau of Justice Statistics, at 202-307-0765 or askbjs@usdoj.gov.

Law Enforcement Agency Pilot (LEAP) Survey

From September 2024 through December 2024, BJS conducted the Law Enforcement Agency Pulse (LEAP) survey. The LEAP survey was a new pilot program designed to assess the most effective way to conduct future law enforcement surveys. The LEAP survey asked questions on agency personnel, budget, hiring and retention, and data use. However, data collected from the LEAP survey will not be used to produce statistics on agency operations. The goal of the LEAP survey was to identify the most efficient, least burdensome way to collect timely data on key topics, such as agency personnel, budget, and hiring/retention.

2024 LEAP Sheriff's Survey 2024 LEAP State and Local Police Survey

2020 LEMAS Core Survey

Beginning in January 2021, BJS and their data collection agent, RTI International, has conducted the 2020 Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics Core Survey (LEMAS), a survey of general-purpose law enforcement agencies that gathers nationally representative information about agencies on key factors like personnel, policies, and agency activities and trends over time.

2020 LEMAS Survey Flyer 2020 LEMAS Sheriff's Survey 2020 LEMAS State and Local Police Survey

2016 LEMAS Core Survey

The Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS) survey has historically been conducted by the Bureau of Justice Statistics approximately every four years. The core survey is the most systematic and comprehensive source of national data on law enforcement. Approximately 3,500 agencies are randomly selected to participate in this survey. Agencies with more than 100 full-time sworn personnel are always selected into the sample.

2016 LEMAS core survey Bulletin: Local Police Departments, 2016: Personnel Statistical brief: Local Police Departments: Policies and Procedures, 2016 Bulletin: Sheriffs' Offices, 2016: Personnel Statistical brief: Sheriff's Offices: Policies and Procedures, 2016 Statistical brief: Full-Time Employees in Law Enforcement Agencies, 1997-2016

2022 LEMAS PATOW Survey

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), in partnership with RTI International, conducted a survey about post-academy training and wellness services provided to staff within law enforcement agencies (LEAs). The survey was sent to a nationally representative sample of 3,500 general purpose law enforcement agencies.

2022 LEMAS PATOW Survey

2016 LEMAS Body-Worn Camera Study

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), in partnership with RTI International, conducted a survey about the use of body-worn cameras (BWC) by law enforcement agencies (LEAs). The survey was sent to a nationally representative sample of 5,000 general purpose LEAs (i.e., local, county and regional police departments, sheriffs' offices, and primary state police/highway patrol departments).

BWC survey Bulletin: Body-Worn Cameras in Law Enforcement Agencies, 2016

2022 Census of Law Enforcement Training Academies

Beginning in May 2023, BJS and their data collection agent, RTI International, conducted the 2022 Census of Law Enforcement Training Academies (CLETA). CLETA is an on-going BJS data collection of approximately 750 state and local law enforcement academies nationwide that offered basic recruit training. BJS will use the data to produce national-level estimates describing the basic training curricula, characteristics of trained recruits and instructor qualifications of these academies. BJS will also be able to compare the results with data from prior years to determine how training has changed over time.

2022 CLETA survey

2018 Census of Law Enforcement Training Academies

The Census of Law Enforcement Training Academies (CLETA) is an on-going BJS data collection building upon three previous iterations of the CLETA referencing 2013, 2006, and 2002. The 2018 CLETA included approximately 750 state and local law enforcement academies nationwide that offered basic recruit training during calendar year 2018. BJS will use the data to produce national-level estimates describing the basic training curricula, characteristics of trained recruits and instructor qualifications of these academies. BJS will also be able to compare the results with data from prior years to determine how training has changed over time.

2018 CLETA survey

2019 Survey of Law Enforcement Personnel in Schools

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) initiated a new data collection in 2019, the Survey of Law Enforcement Personnel in Schools (SLEPS). SLEPS examined the extent of law enforcement involvement in K-12 public schools in the U.S. SLEPS employed a two-phase approach, first surveying a sample of approximately 2,000 law enforcement agencies and requesting a roster of officers working in schools. Agency rosters were then used to draw a sample of school resource officers for an officer-level survey.

2019 SLEPS agency survey 2019 SLEPS officer survey

2022 Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies

Beginning in September 2022, BJS and their data collection agent, RTI International, conducted the 2022 Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies (CSLLEA). The CSLLEA serves as the complete enumeration of law enforcement agencies (LEAs) in the U.S. This national roster of active publicly-funded LEAs will serve as a sampling frame for other survey collections as well as provide national, state and local-level data on the size, characteristics and functions of LEAs in the U.S.

2022 CSLLEA survey

2018 Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) has administered the Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies (CSLLEA) regularly since 1986. The CSLLEA serves as a complete enumeration of law enforcement agencies (LEAs) in the U.S. This national roster of active publicly-funded LEAs serves as a sampling frame for other survey collections as well as provides national, state and local-level data on the size, characteristics and functions of LEAs in the U.S.

2018 CSLLEA survey

2021 Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies (SCLEA)

From September 2021 through June 2022, BJS conducted the Survey of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies (SCLEA). SCLEA is the only nationally representative survey of campus law enforcement agencies (LEAs) and includes both private and public universities and agencies with sworn and non-sworn personnel. The survey gathers information on agency staffing, operations, budget, policies, responsibilities, and equipment to provide an overview of campus LEAs to assess their readiness to respond to the challenges unique to campus security.

2021 SCLEA survey